Showing 1–12 of 34 results


We declare the Two Brothers Amlaprash as the best Amlaprash in India!
▪ Great for digestion. ▪ Potent antioxidant and rejuvenating properties. ▪ Anti-ageing. ▪ Boosts the immune system. ▪ Helps boost haemoglobin levels. ▪ Helps maintain healthy skin,hair,teeth and bones. ▪ Indian amla has an ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) value of 1770.


▪ Great for digestion ▪ Potent antioxidant and rejuvenating properties ▪ Anti-ageing ▪ Boosts the immune system ▪ Helps boost haemoglobin levels ▪ Helps maintain healthy skin,hair,teeth and bones ▪ Indian amla has an ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) value of 1770

Arimedadi Oil

used for toothache, weak and loose teeth, loss of enamel and chipping of teeth, gingivitis, bleeding gums, cavity. Recommended Dosage:


  • Course: 40 days minimum to lifelong Recommended Dosage
  • OD- 1 Tablespoon empty stomach - morning (For normal consumption -overall wellbeing) or BD (Twice) (Before breakfast & before Dinner) (For those in any kind of liver or other issues)

Arthiritis Powder

-1 pouch empty stomach before breakfast
Net Quantity : 20 Bottles

Bhumi Satv(Condensed Pranatatva)

Original price was: ₹2,500.00.Current price is: ₹2,000.00.
Useful for:- Way to establish Gut microboita.It helps grounding in the most powerful manner people into any kind of mental disorder. If they take bhumi satva as a nasya they will find relief in every kind of non-treatable discomfort and disease. For asthma and allergic condition.   Usage:- This is taken in nasya form

BP & Heart: MADHYAM (मध्यम)

BP & Heart: MADHYAM (मध्यम) - Madhyam helps keeping the right balance. When the body does not have control on rate of control of function or organ (function of heart, rate of transportation) or the control on function increase. To keep in right state of function means Madhyam It works towards relaxing the factor which increases the rate of function (Increase Heart rate etc)

Brikat kantkari Ghrit

Useful for: Respiratory Disease like Asthma, Cough, Tonsillitis, Sorcoidosis, Common cold, Shortness of Breath. Recommended Dosage: 1 Teaspoon twice a

Constipation Powder

  • ½ Teaspoon or 2.5 mg.
  • At night before sleeping with warm water.


Useful for Prevents bad breath(halitosis) Relieves tooth pain Prevents bleeding gums(gingivitis) Prevents gum disease(periodontitis) Effective tooth astringent (helps to tighten gums and remove plaque) How to Use take a pinch (2-3 gms) of tooth powder, apply and massage on your gums / teeth for 2/3 minutes and rinse. Use for 1-2 months to see long terms benefits. Recommended to be used after usual brushing.

Diabetes Powder

 5-Month Course  1st Month – 1 Teaspoon, twice a day, before breakfast & dinner  2nd Month onwards: 1/2 Tea spoon once a day or on alternate days, before breakfast or dinner

Gatiman ( गतिमान )

Gatiman (गतिमान)- Corrects & controls Vaat vikara- (hindrance in the movement), Enhances movement in the body in Arthritis, Rhethmoid Arthritis Note: These are supplements and should not be substituted for Kumbhak practices.